The P-40 is not the best airplane in the world to ditch. If you are at 1000 feet or more and you run into trouble over water, it is generally a better idea to bail out than to ditch.

If you should decide to ditch, follow this procedure:

1. Jettison external tanks and drop bombs safe.

2. Send out a steady "Mayday" call over your radio.

3. Lean well forward and pull the emergency release on the canopy.

4. Unfasten as many of your parachute straps as you can.

5. Make sure your shoulder harness is locked and your safety belt is securely fastened.

6. You may use flaps to slow your landing, but it is not recommended. They act as diving vanes which tend to force the airplane's nose under water.

7. Establish and maintain a glide at 110 mph.

8. The surface of the water indicates the force and direction of the wind.

a. On a calm surface, land upwind.

b. On a wavy surface with whitecaps but no spray, land along the top of the waves and parallel with the swell.

c. On high waves with foam being whipped into spray, land upwind on the up-slope of the waves.

9. Just before impact, put your left forearm in front of your face to protect yourself against possible flying glass and blows on the face and head.

10. When the airplane is almost stopped, release your safety belt and harness and get out quick, Inflate your Mae West after you have thrown off your parachute harness.