The brakes are single-shoe expansion type, hydraulically operated. The usual toe action on the rudder pedals controls each brake independently.

Don't ride them. Riding makes them heat rapidly, and the heat may glaze the brake drum. Control the airplane with the steerable tailwheel as much as possible. If either or both brakes fail stop the airplane by cutting off the engine immediately


The parking brake handle is on the left-hand side of the instrument panel.

To set the brakes:

1. Depress the rudder brake pedals.

2. Pull the parking brake handle out.

3.Release the pedal pressure.

4. Release the parking brake handle.

Test your brakes when you taxi out to the takeoff position. If either brake is soft, return to the line.

To release the parking brakes, simply push down on the rudder brake pedals.Never apply brakes suddenly; you may nose up the airplane. Take it easy on your brakes when you taxi.

Never set the parking brake when the brakes are hot. The brakes may lock. Hover set the parking brake in Right.